Sunday 10 July 2016

Satan Reviews- Books: Fallen


Lauren Kate

Delacorte Press

Warnings: I'm going to warn you now, I wrote this when I was 14, so it's going to be interesting for all of us. I'd love to say that I've grown as a person since I wrote this, I can't, but I'd love to. And spoilers.

This book is TERRIBLE. How the hell (see what I did there?) was it published? It's terribly written (I sat for five minutes contemplating one sentence because I felt it didn't make sense). The characters were pathetic and unneeded and really lacked substance.

The main character (Lucinda/ Luce Price) is the perfect definition of an over-emotional Mary Sue. She whines and stalks some arse hole who treats her like crap and then whines some more.

Her friends include-
Daniel Grigori: Standard YA arse hole who treats the heroine like crap for no apparent reason and then turns out to be in love with her. We all knew it would happen, but in real life we would be saying (to quote Macklemore), "what what, what, what? What what, what, what?"

Arriane: I actually liked this character, but where was she for half the book? She seemed like a good character, but then she disappeared for most of the book and popped up again near the end and she was an angel.

Gabbe: Why?

Penn (aka Pennyweather Van Syckle-Lockwood): Was Lauren Kate high or something when she came up with that name? Admittedly I did like Penn... until Miss Sophia slit her throat. Although her back story was pretty ridiculous. 'My dad died, so the headmaster is my legal guardian and I stay here even though I hate it.'

Roland: Some guy with dreadlocks.

Cam: A character with a personality, so he has to be the villain.

Callie: Luce's friend from her old school, she only gets mentioned once after chapter thirteen.

Miss Sophia: The only reason I like her is because she tried to kill Luce.
I wanted to strangle them all (except Penn, Miss Sophia, Cam and Arriane).

The grammar was poor. 'Her heart still beat for Daniel...' To quote Macklemore (again), 'what what, what, what? What what, what, what?' Was this book even edited?

The plot was terrible and annoyingly generic. Girl at a new school, she doesn't want to be there. She makes friends with a sarcastic/ inappropriate/ unusual person who shows them around. Girl falls in love with two guys. Which one will she choose? In this case Edward Cullen- I mean Daniel Grigori.

Unsurprisingly, I only gave this book 1 out of 5 stars.

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