Friday 9 September 2016

Satan Reviews- Books: Glass Houses (The Morganville Vampires #1 and some other notes)

Glass Houses (The Morganville Vampires #1)

Rachel Caine


Warnings: Some sort of spoilers, a very vague review about books #2-#5 I think.

I remember buying the first three books in the series because they were on offer and then buying a few more because I thought the first one was okay. The book was okay, I guess. The school bullies were a bit unrealistic. They tried to kill Claire a few times and no one cares. What the hell? I know one of them was the mayor's daughter and her brother was also a police officer, but surely she can't get away with multiple attempted murders and multiple assaults with that small amount of leverage.

The romance between Claire and Shane is annoying and cliché. Neither of them have much of a personality worth some of the crap that goes on, and they mostly like each other because of their looks. What's even worse is the fact they almost have sex every five minutes; which is very awkward to read.

I gave this book 2 out of 5 stars.

The review was written a while after I'd actually read the book, so it was a little vague because I couldn't remember everything.

Some other notes from what I can remember:
  • It was a bit weird how often they mentioned that Claire was below the age of consent.
I mean, I get it. She's dating a guy who's a bit older than her (Shane was early twenties, Claire was about sixteen/seventeen) and sex is apparently important in relationships. Which is far enough that they discuss it; although, it was mostly Shane being like "no, you ain't legal yet". That did make me think highly well that that much but it suggested a healthy relationship which can be rare in fiction of him at the time because it suggested that he respected not only the law, but Claire's "innocence"/vulnerability.

  • The books didn't have endings.
Every book I read (five) ended with a cliff hanger. Cliff hangers aren't terrible, in my opinion, but they should be used sparingly in a series. At least four cliff hangers in a row is too many, it's the main reason that I gave up on the series. It, in a way, suggested more of a quantity over quality attitude which isn't what you wan from a book series. As I write this, there are thirty-three books in this series (excluding collections), which is a lot. That's more books than twice the years I've lived. That's two many books.    

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