Monday 26 June 2017

Satan Reviews- Films: Pariah

Pariah (2011)

Drama film/Art film 

1h 26m


I wasn't sure what I was expecting from this film. I'd heard that it was good and I've seen it on a few lesbian films/ films for pride month lists, and so I thought, might as well watch it.

I think this is the only film that I've watched for pride month that brought me close to tears. Which even says something about the quality of the films I've been watching or me. It was near the end when Lee was telling her mum that she loved her and her mum wouldn't say it back and Lee was crying and I was nearly crying. I was angrily whispering, "say it back you bitch!" while my eyes were stinging because tears and her mum was being all "I'll pray for you" and I was internally screaming. Fun times. 

The film has a bitter sweet ending, I think. It isn't the happiest as Lee's had to separate herself from her family for her own safety and she's experiencing heartbreak for the first times from Bina and her family's rejection. However, Lee's off to college to do something she loves and she's started to patch together her friendship with Laura. So, it's a bit of both really. Obviously, this is the most realistic ending the film could have had, based off of previous plot. It wouldn't make sense for Lee's mum to suddenly be completely not homophobic and be completely accepting, even if it makes me cry a little.

I loved the friendship between Lee and Laura. It felt real and the actresses had a real chemistry. You've got to love a good female friendship in a film. And one thing I'm extra happy about that the film could have done but didn't; they didn't fall out over loving the same girl. Because, if they were straight, they wouldn't have fallen out over a guy. That's what women do in films, for some reason.
I think Laura was in love with Lee. I know that she said she loved Lee, but she left with Lee calling after her and me not being 100% what was going on- plus romantic love and platonic love are two different things altogether, even if they should probs overlap somewhere.

Is it bad that before the end I felt bad for Lee's mum? She was trying her best as a mum and wife, even if she often did the wrong thing.
And then the end happening and she attacked and practically disowned Lee and all the sympathy flew out the window into the sun.

Would I recommend this film? Definitely. It may not be the happiest film, but it certainly is a break from even 90's/ early 2000's romcoms and films where the female LGBT+ characters die.

Would I watch this again? Yup. It's not very long and I really enjoyed it. I lowkey want a sequel where we find out about how Lee's life turned out.

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